On May 5th/6th 2021, the association for Professionals in Doctoral Education within Europe (PRIDE-Network Association) organizes its FREE annual conference, themed „Giving a voice to professionals in doctoral education – how do we communicate and position ourselves?“*. With this conference PRIDE wishes to shed a light on the topic of how professionals in doctoral education can best communicate with their colleagues and partners. Speakers from many different backgrounds will share their experiences and give you the opportunity to open discussions in Q&A sessions right after their presentations.
The following topics will be discussed with experts (also in the light of the challenges of COVID-19):
– Communicating within university management (academics and non-academics)
– Communicating with doctoral candidates
– Communicating beyond the university (for instance , local businesses, press and social media, community groups)
These and other questions will be addressed at the PRIDE annual conference 2021: what are the goals when communicating with the different stakeholders? How do professionals position themselves in their environment? What are communication strategies and tools? What are the challenges when communicating with the different stakeholders? What are communication no-go´s with certain interest groups? What are good practices?
Register here: https://3rd-annual-pride-conference.b2match.io/