To unite and represent all postdocs in the Netherlands, POSTDOCNL has regular contact with local postdoc networks. Below find a list of networks that are known to us:
Leiden University Postdoc Assembly
Radboud University TRAP network
Donders Institute Postdoc platform
Postdoc Association TU Eindhoven
EPS (experimental plant sciences) postdoc council
New networks are being set-up with the help of POSTDOCNL, do you want to know the status at your institution?
Contact us!
What can a local post-doc network do?
The goal of a local post-doc network is to facilitate post-doctoral researchers in their professional development as a scientist and to improve current post-doc’s lack of representation as a specific scientific rank. This could be realized through:
- raising awareness among post-doctoral researchers of the broad range of important aspects for a successful career in science
- providing the opportunity for post-doctoral researchers to exchange work experiences, plans, challenges, tips and tricks, both plenary and during peer-to-peer coaching sessions
- sharing information about (inter)national activities for post-doctoral researchers at the institute
- organizing plenary sessions, workshops and discussions on how to shape a scientific career and to develop academic as well as transferable skills, such as:
- grant proposal writing
- leadership and management skills
- work-life balance
- social media for academics
- networking
- professional branding
- career empowerment: high level CV writing, job applications, interview, career orientation
- time and project management
- competences and development
- personal branding
- conflict management
- communication styles