To unite and represent all postdocs in the Netherlands, POSTDOCNL has regular contact with local postdoc networks. Below find a list of networks that are known to us:


AMC Postdoc Network

NKI Postdoc Committee

Erasmus MC Postdoc Network

LUMC Young Faculty Network

Leiden University Postdoc Assembly

Radboud University TRAP network

Radboudumc Postdoc Initiative

Donders Institute Postdoc platform

TU Delft Postdoc network

Postdoc Network Utrecht

Postdoc Association TU Eindhoven

Postdoc Council RUG

Postdoc Council UMCG

EPS (experimental plant sciences) postdoc council


New networks are being set-up with the help of POSTDOCNL, do you want to know the status at your institution?


Contact us!

What can a local post-doc network do?


The goal of a local post-doc network is to facilitate post-doctoral researchers in their professional development as a scientist and to improve current post-doc’s lack of representation as a specific scientific rank. This could be realized through:

  • raising awareness among post-doctoral researchers of the broad range of important aspects for a successful career in science
  • providing the opportunity for post-doctoral researchers to exchange work experiences, plans, challenges, tips and tricks, both plenary and during peer-to-peer coaching sessions
  • sharing information about (inter)national activities for post-doctoral researchers at the institute
  • organizing plenary sessions, workshops and discussions on how to shape a scientific career and to develop academic as well as transferable skills, such as:
    • grant proposal writing
    • leadership and management skills
    • work-life balance
    • social media for academics
    • networking
    • professional branding
    • career empowerment: high level CV writing, job applications, interview, career orientation
    • time and project management
    • competences and development
    • personal branding
    • conflict management
    • communication styles