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Do you have any bad experience with – (temporary) contracts – integrity issues – being treated unequal – a workload that is too high? Have you felt mistreated as a scientist? VAWO, the workers union for scientists, calls upon us to report our stories at their ‘meldpunt misstanden’: Reporting can be done … read more >
A very interesting read! Join the LinkedIn groupSign up to Mailinglist
What does a local network do? Find out in the infographic about the AMC Postdoc Network. A local network is a strong facilitator to connect postdocs and organize workshops and courses at your own institute. Join the LinkedIn groupSign up to Mailinglist
No scientific career or tenure without a prestigious grant like a VENI and a list of publications in highly cited journals. Or so it seems. Rathenau Institute and CWTS invite early career researchers who care about science, and feel concerned about the emphasis on excellence, to explore the issue of research excellence. On Thursday … read more >
PostdocNL is part of the program committee for the FEDERA day 2016 ‘Health(y) Science; increasing value, reducing waste’, and will present on ‘PhD beyond science’. When/where: Friday November 11th 2016, Radboud UMC Nijmegen Program: Registration: Join the LinkedIn groupSign up to Mailinglist