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The global coronavirus outbreak has had a negative impact on researchers, the progression of their work, and their careers. Recent budget cuts are expected to have significant additional consequences on young researchers. Ironically, not a cent of the 750 Billion EUR from the Next Generation EU fund will be invested in supporting the next generation … read more >
During the opening of the academic year on 31 August, scientists will cycle the Tour of Academics between two universities. In doing so, the Algemene Onderwijsbond (AOb), WOinActions and the FNV want to attract more attention for the high amount of temporary contracts at Dutch universities, and the need for real recognition and appreciation of … read more >
Prepare for the 2nd half of 2020 with a career plan and enhanced skills! We know 2020 is far from going as planned for most of us. At BCF we want to give you the chance to come out of lock-down with a better vision for your career and new skills to take on new … read more >
Door de COVID-19-crisis ligt veel onderzoek stil. Onderzoekers hebben geen toegang meer tot labs of collecties, kunnen geen data verzamelen, of zetten zich in het ziekenhuis in. Dit heeft een grote impact op het Nederlandse onderzoek en plaatst onderzoekers voor grote uitdagingen. In het bijzonder is er aandacht voor de gevolgen voor onderzoekers met tijdelijke … read more >
Update 01-04-2020: adjusted date (postponed due to COVID-19 crisis). Do you know how to be the best version of yourself, show all your potential and grow and prosper together with the Life Sciences? Experienced professionals, starters and students will get the opportunity to unlock their potential at the biggest career fair in Life Sciences: BCF Career … read more >